Busy, Busy, Busy

Just a little update, everyone is still home!!! Thank God!
Peyton is doing well, getting chunky ;) Grayson on the other hand, was losing weight and is slowly putting it back on. His bowels were damaged from the antibiotics therefore his stomach hurts when he eats, and his bum is still raw.... The bowels will just take time to heal. Sawyer is an attention seeker, he has also been sick, so that doesn't help. He is good with the babies most of the time, and is loving getting spoiled from his grandparents.
Jaret is done November 26th!!!! So the end is in sight, although I am not sure I am ready to trade my mom for him. He does not do well with the baby stage, especially during the night :( Ah well he has to suck it up.
Today, my friend Jen is coming over to watch the 3 kids while Jaret and I go to a movie and dinner for my birthday. Jen called Jaret yesterday and wanted to surprised me with it (but I found out:)), she is a great friend!
I am excited for tomorrow, Halloween!!! Jaret and I are taking Sawyer out for his first time, I will post pics next week.
Thats all for now....

All home!!!

As of Monday, we are all home together! Peyton came home last Tuesday, so we had a week with her, then Grayson came home Monday. The first two nights with both babies have been..... tiring. Grayson is still in so much pain (stomach pains, cramps etc.) that he doesn't settle and by the time he gets to sleep it is a short time before he is up again. :( They have both been switched to new formula (by the doctor), which is for babies with an allergy to cow's milk protein, not sure how that is working. Grayson is on a medication for reflux, and on a antibiotic for the next 6 months!!! Yes I said 6 months, ugh, what does that do to a babies immune system??

Sawyer is doing well with the babies, he is very gentle and loving with them. Except when it is bed time and there is "new" people here:). Well, off to feed and then hopefully nap!!!!

So much to share....

Where to start???? So so so much has happened in 2 weeks....
Sunday September 26th around 6:15am I decided to get up, shower and go to the hospital to get 'checked' out because I was having some mild cramps, and i knew my blood pressure was on the high side. So as I got up and on the phone to tell my mom to come over and watch Sawyer, my water broke and there was also A LOT of blood. So Jaret called the Ambulance, my parents came to watch Sawyer, and I was rushed to the hospital. As we got there, the doors were held open, security was holding the elevator, it was like I was a celebrity! Or they really did not want to deliver twins, ha. More to come on that...
We got up to the floor, checked the heart rates, IV, etc. and I was in for a section before I knew it. It all moved very fast, the staff were amazing! Dr. Clarke delivered, Grayson at 8:18am, 7 lbs!!! and Peyton at 8:19am, 6 lbs 7oz!! Crazy to think that was inside me, but makes me feel better for all the complaining I was doing. They are perfect, Peyton went into the nursery for about an hour because she had some mucus. When I was out of recovery they were both in my room!
Come to find out, when my water broke, I had an abrupt placenta as well which means it tore away from the wall and babies could have lost complete oxygen. It is a bit frustrating knowing that the ambulance paramedics could have done a lot more for me. They came into the home did all my vitals in the home, and asked me to walk to the stretcher out side. Which I did, not knowing the effects it could have had. Anyways God was watching over me for sure! The nurses (after the delivery) said I was lucky to have them both here! Thank God..
We went home 3 days later, everything was going great! Until....
Thursday evening we noticed Peyton's colour was a little off, we stimulated her and her colour came back. Then again Friday morning.... so we took her to emerg and the pediatrician admitted her for observation and blood work. When we got to the floor, I fed her and then when she was settled she had another spell. The nurse came in and tried to stimulate her, waved oxygen around her nose and mouth then called CODE..... about 15 nurses came running, calling to page the dr's and a crash cart. OMG the hardest thing I have ever went though and hope to ever go through again. They had to bag her, which is like mouth to mouth, blowing oxygen in her lungs. But she came back around. Then started all the testing, she had lots of blood work, urine catheter, spinal tap, etc. Everything came back negative, which was nice, but need some answers. They started her on antibiotics via IV to be proactive, the Dr. explained it that in babies, infection can start as a UTI and spread to meningitis in a couple days as there is not far to travel. Although nothing has shown up the Dr. still thinks it was an infection as she has responded very well to the antibiotics. She was due to come home today on oral medication. BUT....
In the mean time Grayson had some blood work and urine to check him out, and his urine came back with a germ in it. We retested it yesterday and it still showed, therefore he was admitted aswell and is now on antibiotics via IV. :( So they are keeping Peyton as well until she is done her meds. We are still waiting on Grayson's blood work to come back, and praying nothing shows.
This has been a very emotional and draining 2 weeks, they have had so many tests, bloodwork, urine catheters, LP (spinal taps), and ultrasounds.... poor little guys. At least they are in the spot they need to be to get better, and they are now together in the same room.
Sawyer has been a great big brother, he is very gentle with them, except when he throws his cars at them...... He hasn't had much time with the babies as Sawyer developed a fever and now has a cold.
So that brings us to today... and although I actually had a good night sleep last night, I still wish we could be a family at home all together. Jaret comes home only on the weekends, and we share our time between Sawyer and the hospital.
We are praying that in another 10 days they will both be home and well. Then we can start getting into a crazy routine! Thanks for everyones thoughts and prayers. Here are a couple pics of the babes, they are so cute!!!