Twin moms convos

I have another post coming soon..... hopefully. Just came across this video and could not post it. Jaret and I laughed a lot because this is now our life. This conversation happens every time we go out, well the one side anyways...
Hope you enjoy, btw this is just supposed to be funny, not offensive in any way.
I recently heard some quotes from Roseanne Barr, I was reminded how funny she was (is). Here are a few that I personally like,
"There's a lot more to being a woman than being a mother, but there's a hell of a lot more to being a mother than most people suspect. " Roseanne Barr
So true

Experts say you should never hit your children in anger. When is a good time? When you're feeling festive? Roseanne Barr

Excuse the mess but we live here.
Roseanne Barr

and my personal favorite,
"I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets home from work, then hey, I've done my job." Roseanne Barr

Thought I would just share for a laugh.

As I was watching TV last night I caught an Oprah commercial and it showed Roseanne Barr on her show Monday. Crazy how things like that work, I had not heard/seen anything about Roseanne in years then I find the quotes and now on Oprah.... Thought you might want to know so you can PVR it!!


I know sleep is over rated, any mom knows that. But when your 4 month old twins are sleeping better than your 2 1/2 yr old, it gets frustrating. Why doesn't he like sleeping? So if you have any suggestions, please let me know... (I know my comments button doesn't work?, so FB me)
Here is his schedule.... Wake at 5am nap after lunch at 12 ish, he sleeps from 2-3 hours ( I usually wake him after 2 1/2, hoping he will sleep longer in the night). Then he goes to bed at 8pm, he goes to bed at night and for the nap well, he just knows it is the routine and he is out. During the night, he wakes often crying. He cries for mom to come in, and sometimes it is " I need my car, or juice or soother", sometimes he wants me to lay with him. When I do lay with him it only takes a minute, then I tell him I am going to bed, and he is good. (for another hour).
I have had it, I am so tired during the day because I am up probably 5 times with Sawyer (at least) and once to feed Grayson, plus 4 times to put the soother back in :(. Although I am not up for long periods of time, it is still interrupted sleep :(
Sawyer used to go to bed at 7:00pm and he was waking up at 5 ish, wanting to stretch this out we moved his bed time to 8:00pm, this helped for a bit, he was sleeping to 6 or 6:30am So nice!! Now it is worse, I don't know what to do... we tried to move it back to 7:30 ish but no help, he just wakes earlier.....

My new hobby

So here it is my new outlet. I have only had a little time to work on them (one day, no sorry one nap, ha) So hopefully they get better from here...