
Sleep is something we all need, something that most of us don't get enough of.... Some need more sleep than others.

I found this info at - sleepdex.org

Infants sleep about 16 hours a day, while teenagers need about 9 hours on average. For most adults, 7 to 8 hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as 5 hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day. There is quite a bit of variation.

Sleep deprivation – even one or two nights – can vastly affect your need for sleep. Unlike many things in life, sleep time is not something that is routinely changed. You can’t get used to a lower amount of sleep just because it fits your schedule. If you try to, it will affect your judgment and reaction time, even if you are not consciously aware of it.

If you routinely fall asleep within 5 minutes of lying down, you probably have severe sleep deprivation or a sleep disorder.

That being said, I am one who needs more sleep... I definitely fall asleep within 5 mins and I get an average of 7 hours sleep a night, mind you that is broken sleep.

I think if you ask most young moms, this is the hardest thing of becoming a new mom, or new mom for a second or third time. It's not just about the 'moms' sleep, it's our babies too. How they fall asleep, not enough sleep, to much sleep, going to bed to late, waking to early, how many naps etc. Like motherhood there is no rule book, it is all what works for you and your family.

I LOVE sleep, unfortunately so does my husband, the difference is I can function on no (or less) sleep, he can't. You just do it, there are daily routines, and things that need to be done, you push through until that glorious hour when you yourself can lay down. Then to be woke up by crying babies, for a soother, for a pat on the back and a ssshhhhhhhhh. When I leave the room I find myself saying "please let me have another hour of sleep" or "please stay asleep" hardly ever happens. My days usually start between 4:30 and 5:00am.

Anyways this post is just to say Good Job moms!!! We carry on everyday, without much needed sleep, sometimes without food, showers (ha) and definitely without putting you and your needs first. We do this hoping it will effect our kids in some way, they will behave better, be smart, strong, happy, and well rounded kids.

I hope everyone has a great night sleep tonight :) (If this post doesn't make sense it is because I am tired, ha.)

Happy Mother's Day

To be a mom.... It is an indescribable feeling, you never know the love you will have for your children until you have them. I never knew there was holes in my heart until they were filled with 3 beautiful children, I am now complete.
I love the baby stage, so small and cuddly, you feel needed.... They way the change and grow so fast, they develop and learn daily. The twins are now 7 months, Grayson is 17 lbs 6oz and is rolling around and around, he is up on all fours rocking back and forth. He will be taking off any day. Peyton is 15 lbs 12 oz and is sitting really well, although does not do anything else, lol. Really hard not to compare your children, when they are the same age :) She is my little diva, will sit and watch Grayson move all around, but she knows if she needs to move, someone will move her, lol.
I have noticed lately how much I really enjoy the 2 yr old stage, mind you this comes with a lot of challenges :) Sawyer is so much fun, the things that he comes up with and out of his mouth... I have no idea where he gets it. The way they can express their likes and dislikes and that they love you! Yesterday Sawyer came into my bed with me and said "Mommy, I missed you, I love you" "Mommy you are my best friend!" Precious!!! Then there are times where he hits, throws things and repeats you at times he shouldn't lol. But everyday he makes me laugh and gives me joy.
Happy Mother's Day!

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. ~Rajneesh