So as I am sure you all have heard, I am miserable, ha. I am so ready for these kids to come out of me!!!
Jaret has left for training in Kingston, he comes home every weekend and can come home through the week if he doesn't have a lot of homework. Thankfully I have a lot of help with Sawyer, while he is gone.
Today I had another Ultrasound and they estimated the babies at 6 1/2 pounds each !!!!! CRAZY! It makes me think these babies are ready to be born! I can only pray that my water will break anytime, because I don't think my doctor will do anything until 37 weeks. I know it doesn't seem like long, but everyday feels like a week right now. :(
I don't see my Dr. until next Wednesday but I made a point to go into her office to let her secretary know how miserable I have been lately..... I am not usually that much of a complainer, but when your not sleeping and every part of your body hurts it takes a tole on you...
Okay enough complaining....
Sawyer is doing great! He is talking ssssooooo much, he never stops :) Super cute though, he is very polite, please, thank you, welcome, etc. He is also very set in his ways, and demanding "sit down mommy", I can't think of anything else right now. Everytime I cough or sneeze Sawyer will say "alright mommy??" so cute... He is missing Jaret and it is going to be even more of an adjustment when the babies come, I feel bad for him.
Thats it for now.. I will be putting so new pics up soon, but they are not pretty, ha.