
My day consists of waking to a crying baby, feeding, changing, putting to sleep, and repeat.. Then also changing, feeding, playing, entertaining, disciplining, Sawyer. I find myself waiting for nap time and then bed time. As soon as the kids are a sleep I go off to sleep, and the same all week, month and so on... I know it seems like I am complaining but I really am not, REALLY.
But I have noticed lately that my only break is when I get a nap, which don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for, but it isn't really a break or time to do something for ME. Which I know all moms forget about the ME time when you have kids.
I need an outlet, Scrapbooking used to be my outlet, but that is near impossible these days. I miss it so much, thankfully my cousin Krista made me 2 scrapbooks!!! One for Grayson's first year and Peyton's as well!!! I was so excited to get this, what a great present, and one I know a lot of effort, time and money were spent on.
So now I ponder what I can do, that doesn't take a lot of time and money..... I will let you know when I find it. It has to be soon though or I may go insane. ha.


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